Over Dimensional Cargo Transportation Services
Mode Type Road
Is It Mobile Access Mobile Access
Destination As Per Customer
Services Charge Depends
Perishable Cargo Yes
Delivery Time Depends
Service Location India
Source Location As Per Customer
We are one of the foremost firms of Over Dimensional Cargo Transportation Services. These services are enormously well-liked in the market for their nominal rates and consistency. Due to high demand, we render these services in diverse terms and forms. Besides, we render these services at nominal costs to our customers.
We believe that perfect handling and transportation of over dimensional cargo over long distance requires more understanding of the cargo than mere its weight and dimensions. This concept of total understanding the cargo has laid the foundation for the highest safety standards at “Classic”. Professional know-how of the various sizes and platforms configuration of our own fleet of 77 trailers helps us in selecting the most appropriate vehicle.
Difficult destinations or challenging route we have been handling and transporting over dimensional project cargo for gigantic plants, massive transformers, turbines and generators for power projects bridge sections, concrete structures and heavy construction machinery.
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